the horrors of prom and the extrcuiating event called college graduation

On the nineteenth of may I had the up most pleasure of attending my senior prom. It was at least a solid seven out of ten, the only good thing about prom was talking to new and old friends. To my surprise the food was some what decent. The garlic bread tasted a little funky as I belive it was frozen texas toast with extra butter lathered onto it. Though it would not be prom without the most agonizing base boosted music of all time. Most of the songs played were all just todays modern rap and pop music. Lyrics were rare, intrumentals populated the dance floor and at one moment I genuinely thought I was in hell itself. The only song I think I recognized was love sosa by cheif keef and maybe some others but i completly forgot. The one thing I desperately wanted, nevermind NEEDED, wasn't there. Ice cream or at least some type of dessert failed to be present at the function. This school hates me. As extruciating as prom was my sisters college graduation was the worst thing I have ever attended. I am immensly proud of my sister for her grand accomplishment, but good grief why did it have to go on for so long. I would never wish that on my worst enemy.

my wise words of today is, don't give up if something doesn't go the right way the first time. You have to fail first to learn. Believe in yourself. Do great things.