may 16

the world we live in is a dystopia. where am i. where are you. the line i have on my home page is "what happens when the mind breaks in half" or something on the line of that. my mind has offically split. i believe i have faced every corner of the internet.I have seen the good, the bad, the ugly, the weird fetish art people would post on deviant art, and 15 year olds wanting a relationship with a 30 year old man. From my deep dive into tumblr i now know that an infamous certain someone's favorite snack is a slim jim. I hate how i know all of this useless information.I wish i was 12 and not emotionally scared. get help. please get help if you need it. stop the cycle of violence kids express after being exposed to the horrors of the internet. in the magnificent calculus of the universe who will you be? what person do you want to see in yourself? i never gave my future too much thought becuase of my severe depression and suicidal idealations, but i wish i did. Don't be like me. Don't miss out on life, i know i regret it. I spent so much time sad, angry, and in those years of anguish I could've spent it actually enjoying life. Enjoy highschool while you can. Trust me it doesn't get any better in college. Remember carpe diem! Seize the moment and such and such idk.