May 12 ramble

Hello, it is may 12th and two days ago i took my advance placement biology test and i will say it again like i did for ap lit it was a complete JOKE!!!!!!! All my years studying for this momentus occasion and i froze. I was cursed with the worse headache on wednesday and trying to do chi sqared was absolutely torture. College board is a joke, a big absolute joke. Nevermind that let me tell you something i am actually passionate about and that is not allowing children onto the internet before the age of 14. You may be wondering "oh its okay i was on the internet when i was 11 and i turned out all right" I was also on the internet at that young age and let me tell you that you did not turn out fine. The things ive seen, read, heard... it all contributes to the person i am now and i truly believe that my mental wellbeing could have been a lot more sane than it is now. I wish i was painfully ignorant to the internet world like a 75 year old grandmother is. I might have gotten into an ivy, created genuine connections to people in my community, or just maybe joined a club or something. And now there are 13 year old boys on the internet who belive it is "based" to be "red pilled" or a "top g" that live in their room 24/7 modding their friends dicord server. Its just odd. I'm not saying the internet is a bad place, but young kids can be saved from the deep dark corners of the internet if they aren't exposed to it during their key years of development. The internet needs to be safer and kids need to be playing ball not scrolling internet forums. Save the children, save the internet, save us all. ut non interficiam iuvenem florebit manus innocentiae et conservari. Any whoooo sorry for not posting about my lunches :3 I have been having very boring lunches and honestly i forgot about this site. I want to update it more and hopefully I will in the next few days (ITS FRIDAY WHOOP WHOOP WEEKEND :D) May all your sandwiches be yummy and your grades wonder full. Bye.

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